

ABDOMINAL PAIN IN KIDS AND TEENS Abdominal pain in children is a common problem When your tot’s tummy is upset . About 1 out of 3 children is seen by a child doctor for abdominal pain by the time they are age 15, but only a small number of these children have a serious problem. Complaints of abdominal pain are more common in children younger than 11 years and are often caused by changes in eating and bowel habits. Most cases of abdominal pain are not serious, and home treatment is often all that is needed to help relieve the discomfort. SYMPTOMS Your little one might be telling you he’s got tummy pains if he shows one or more of these signs: Acts fussy or grumpy Doesn’t sleep or eat Cries more than usual Diarrhea Vomiting Trouble being still (squirming or tensing up muscles) Makes faces that show pain (squeezing eyes shut, grimacing) Stomachaches are common for kids. Luckily, they’re not usually caused by anything serious. They can b...